Talking 'Bout Elijah/Elisha
So, a couple weeks ago (yes, I'm still catching up) we did a week on Elijah and the letter "M." One of the first stories had to do with God bringing food to the prophet Elijah through birds. So it lent itself to a great sorting lesson. We made our own trail mix using marshmallows, raisins and Kix cereal and Claire sorted each item. She was allowed to eat it as a snack at the end :-)
Letter of the week was "M" and we got a little practice writing letter "M" in our copybook. I'm thinking about ordering the same little book for next year, just to see her progress. But the
curriculum we are thinking of going with next year (although, waiting for the CHEA convention to make the final decision) has it's own printing practice so maybe that isn't even needed. It is neat watching things, like writing letters, that used to be so frustrating for her begin to get more fun and easy.
Each week we do a count on me page. Claire draws a different picture in the boxes and sometimes she counts by 1s, 2s or 3s depending on how many or whatever the item is she can get into the boxes. This time we counted by 1s. Those are birds on her page :-)
Dr. Suess Day at the Library
When we can make it, I try to take the girls to the Cal Aero Preserve Branch Library for their story hour. The girls like it, we get a chance to leave the house for a few hours and they
get to make a little craft after story hour. This time it was Dr. Suess stories for Dr. Seuss Day. Both girls were able to dial into this one. Usually the storytime is geared for 1st/2nd grade kids and Claire usually follows but Ashlyn is a little bored with it. This time, they both paid attention. Got to love Dr. Seuss!
Cat in the Hat Craft! |
Playdough, Elijah, and Neverending Oil
Second day we read about Elijah's "face off" with the prophets of Baal. How they both cried out to their gods to send fire down on their altars from heaven and that God prevailed while Baal did not. We created our own altars using the different colored dough. Mommy made one and then Claire copied.
Then we read about the woman who asked Elisha for help! She had no money and her debtors were threatening to take her children as slaves. We talked about how valuable oils are and how God did a miracle by multipling her oil so she could sell them (like mommy ;-) ) and keep her children and stay out of debt!
Whittier Library
This week was also a trip to the Whitter Library with Grandma. I hadn't been to this library for a while and in the children's section in decades. It was so much fun for the girls. Claire attached to this screen that reads books to you. Ashlyn joined in for a bit.
Marisol liked most everything especially the bead runner thing. In fact, most of the girls did. They went home with a few books and I got to see one of my dearest friends, Nicole, who works there. Sadly no picture of Nicole for the blog.
Riding to the Park
Claire got a Strider Balance Bike for her birthday when she turned two years old. I love this bike. Love. it. There are no pedals on the bike so kids learn to balance on it so that when they transition to a regular bike, the transition is easier. Trying to decide if a regular bike is on her birthday list for her birthday coming up. Then she would pass the Strider down to Ashlyn who will be turning 2 at the same time she turns 4. Anyway, this week Claire rode all the way to the park on her own while I pushed Ashlyn in the stroller. She did it all by herself. She complained once or twice on the way home that she was too tired, but I had nowhere to put her bike and so told her we were almost home and that she could do it. You know what, she totally did!
Finishing up School
We finished up school for the week with more letter activities, reading more stories about Elisha and making soap out of powdered laundry detergent to go along with our story about God healing the man with leprosy (and then threw out the soup since it was regular detergent that has chemicals we avoid).
Ashlyn wanted to join in |
"I want the soap to look like a heart!" |
Family Spa Night!
After dinner on Saturday, we took advantage of an early dinner and more light in the evening and took the girls out for a swim. The big pool was way too cold this time of year but the spa was nice!
Baby model
I'll sign out with these pictures. Ashlyn wore one of my dresses to church on Sunday. I love this set of pictures. She just sat there on the steps and posed. I need to get some of me in the same dress and post some comparisons. Til' later!